На кого подписаться: The Vulva Gallery

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Рассказываем о самых взрывных Инстаграм-аккаунтах, посвященных красивым вещам.

История аккаунта @the.vulva.gallery  началась в 2016 году, когда иллюстратор из Амстердама Хильди Аталанта решила продемонстрировать своим подписчикам, насколько разнообразными и одновременно красивыми бывают женские половые органы.

The Vulva Gallery welcomes everyone — this means people from all kinds of genders. There are many vulva-owning individuals who don’t identify as being a woman. Some of us identify in between, for example with being non-binary, genderqueer, genderfluid, agender, genderfree, genderneutral, bigender, trigender, pangender, or other-gendered. Some of us identify as being a man. And there are many more gender identities. Having a vulva doesn’t define your gender identity — just as having a penis doesn’t define this. It’s up to every human being to feel and define how they identify themselves. If you’re not sure about it, you can always ask people what pronoun fits with their gender identity. Always be respectful, and try avoiding to assume anyones gender. Respect each other, and be kind and open minded — because you never know for sure, unless you ask ?? The Vulva Gallery welcomes people from any kind of gender identity, and wants all of you to feel included ? • • • • #thevulvagallery #respecteachother #inclusivity #nonbinary #genderidentity #transinclusivefeminism #intersectionalfeminism #bodylove #genderinclusivity #humananatomy #empowerment #bodypositivity #bodypositive #selflove #watercolor #watercolorillustration #vulvacat #loveyourself #hildeatalanta

Публикация от The Vulva Gallery (@the.vulva.gallery)

«Я была удивлена, когда узнала, что самым быстро развивающимся видом пластической хирургии считается лабиопластика (операция по изменению формы малых и больших половых губ – прим.ред.), – рассказывает Хильди. – И многие из пациенток – это девочки в возрасте от 15 до 18 лет».

This is a portrait of a lovely person who wanted to become part of the gallery, together with the words she wanted to share with you: “I’m 24 years old and I’m a virgin. And I like it. I’ve been with my boyfriend for nearly 5 years, and recently we got engaged. He has seen me naked and he taught me a lot about my body. He taught me to love my body. Next spring we’ll have our wedding. I look forward to being his first. And he will be mine. I understand everyone who already has sex. But I am proud and happy that we are waiting for our wedding and our first marriage night. I’m a little afraid too. But I believe it will be wonderful, because he loves me as I am, loves my body with its shortcomings. And about my vulva he says: It’s the most beautiful place in the world.” • Thank you for sharing your story & being part of the gallery ♥️ Would you like to be part of the gallery (by sharing your story and/or having your portrait painted)? Send me an e-mail to [email protected] ✨ • • • #thevulvagallery #portrait #bodypositivity #bodypositiveart #youarebeautiful #humananatomy #labia #respecteachother #embracediversity #shareyourstory #personalgrowth #empowerment #empathy #love #loveyourself #loveyourvulva #hildeatalanta

Публикация от The Vulva Gallery (@the.vulva.gallery)

С тех пор Хильди рисует женские вульвы и выкладывает их в Инстаграм в надежде, что это поможет молодым (и не очень) девушкам полюбить свое тело, каким его создала природа.

This portrait is part of the mini series with decorated vulvas — accompanied with the words of the portrayed person: “From a very young age I thought I was some kind of different or ugly because of the way my vulva looked. Even though I have always loved having sex I always had the feeling that I had to be ashamed because of the way I looked down there. I have always watched a lot of porn (and still do) and all I could think about was: why does not one single woman have irritated sking from shaving and why does my vulva not look at least a bit similar to any of these? Because of my longer inner labia it often takes me longer to get comfortable whilst having sex. Still I always had the feeling that I needed to be sorry for this. As I grew older all I wanted was to undergo labiaplasty as soon as I was able to collect the amount of money for it. Then at the age of 17 I got my vulva pierced in assumption to feel better about the looks at least — I was rather surprised that it really helped me and that it still does. Since I am following The Vulva Gallery my point of view has changed completely. This may sound ridiculous but because of this profile I reconsidered all of my thinking and decisions. I realized that not even one single partner said or did something to me to feel bad about myself or my vulva — on the contrary; some even told me it was beautiful and they loved it. So I came to realize that all my negative thoughts, my self-hatred was caused by only me and my wrong imagination of how I had to look. The Vulva Gallery really did open my eyes — I never imagined that there are so many different types and shapes and sizes.. but I am totally in love with every illustration you make! We are all unique and I am longing for the day where every woman starts thinking about herself in this way. Not only relating to her private parts but to everything but to everything she is.” • Thank you for sharing your story & being part of the gallery ♥️ Would you like to be part of the gallery (by sharing your story and/or having your portrait painted)? Send me an e-mail to [email protected] ✨ • • • #thevulvagallery #portrait #humananatomy #labia #hildeatalanta

Публикация от The Vulva Gallery (@the.vulva.gallery)

«Мне не нравится, что современное общество акцентирует внимание только на влагалище. Женский организм намного сложнее, чем просто внутренний канал для деторождения. У нас есть еще очень богатый внешний мир: лобок, волосы, большие и малые губы, клитор, уретра, вход во влагалище. Все это естественно и прекрасно».

Кстати, для ценителей женской красоты Аталанта недавно запустила сайт thevulvagallery.com, где можно приобрести сувениры вроде открыток, футболок, чашек, сумок и значков с изображением вульвы.

Читайте также «На кого подписаться: иллюстратор Кера Тиль»